LuniSolar Calendar


In (Quran verse 7: 38) Allah will say. enter the Fire among the communities “ummah” who have passed away before you, of genii and mankind. So oft as a community will enter it, it shall curse its sister, until, when all shall have arrived one after anot her therein, the last of them shall say … Read more

As the ancient Orjon


First :Ya’roj It is known that the layers of the atmosphere scatter the sun’s rays, and the brightness of the day is the result of this scattering and not of the direct rays of the sun. Darkness is the condition of the universe. Quran verse 15:14 “And if we had opened a door for them … Read more

Lunisolar Compass

Bussola solare lunare

Location and country Sunrise The time of the sun’s highest point in the sky sunset The moonrise The time of the moon’s highest point in the sky The moonset Age of the Moon The time of the highest point in the sky (meridian) The direction of the highest point in the sky (meridian) Virtual (Zodiac) … Read more


  1. The sun
  2. The earth and refresh button
  3. The moon
  4. The sun position
  5. The head direction
  6. The moon position
  7. The daytimes
  8. The star positions (Zodiac)
  9. The menu slider

Some ideas:

  • It is “noon” when the sun position coincides with the head direction
  • It is “full moon” when the moon position coincides with head direction at midnight
  • It is “new moon” when the moon position coincides with the sun position.

Visits: 35

The positions of the stars

Quran verse 56:75,76 “I swear by the locations of the stars. (75) It is an oath, if you only knew, that is tremendous. (76) “ The verse indicates that the stars have locations. this locations can be studied and learned. So where do we start? The earth turns around its own axis once every 24 … Read more

Number of years


When a person travels from one place to another, he looks to the right to see nature and the mountains, so he knows where he is and he looks to the left and sees the median strips so that he is safe in the right direction , and if we imagine that we are in … Read more

Moon positions

Quran verse 10:5 “It was He that made the sun a brightness and the moon a light, and determined it in positions so that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create them except in truth, and distinguishes the verses to a nation who know.” When you are in … Read more

Protected months

Quran verse 9:36 “The counting of the months according to Allah, are twelve months in Allah`s book, since the Day He created the heavens and the earth, of which four are (HOROM). This is the correct religion. So do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight the polytheists collectively, as they fight you collectively, and … Read more

Leap month


Quran verse 9:37: “The (Nasii) is an addition to the ignorance, in which the unbelievers are misguided. They allow it a (AAM ) and forbid it a (AAM), so as to fit in with the counting of which Allah has made forbidden , thus permitting what Allah has forbidden. Their evil deeds appear to them … Read more