Leap month

Quran verse 9:37: “The (Nasii) is an addition to the ignorance, in which the unbelievers are misguided. They allow it a (AAM ) and forbid it a (AAM), so as to fit in with the counting of which Allah has made forbidden , thus permitting what Allah has forbidden. Their evil deeds appear to them as decorous, and Allah does not guide the faithless.”

It is easy to understand that February 29th is only used to adapt the year and to prevent the seasons from shifting. To understand the meaning of (Nasii) we need to know some definitions. The “day” is an independent unit of time to calculate a complete earth rotation. It starts at midnight. The “month” is an independent unit of time to calculate a complete moon circle around the earth, which is approximately 29.5303 days. The beginning is when the center of the earth and the center of the moon and the center of the sun are on the same line. The “year” is an independent unit of time to calculate a complete circle of the earth around the sun (approximately 365.2425 days). The beginning is with the beginning of the biological year, which takes place between the 21.01. and the 20.02. lies. Also 12 months are 354 days and not a year.

According to this definition, if you count as one year after 12 months, it means that you have added 11 days and after another 12 months you count 2 years, which in turn leads to another 11 days and after 8 months the additions are 30 days, that’s a full month. The following month is already included in your calculation and should not be taken into account. If you count it, this is an addition that you have already made in your calculation and that should be considered as a leap month. The ban on the leap month leads to a shift in months and seasons. The protected months are ignored and postponed. The result is disregard for the rules of Allah and destruction of the environment.

The discussion above shows that, (AAM) is not a year, but a 33-month period, and the meaning of the AYA is that (Nasii) is banned in one (AAM) and in other (AAM) approvals.

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