Hajj months

Quran verse 2:197 : “The months for Hajj are well known to all . Whoever decides to perform the Hajj—there shall be no sexual relations, nor misconduct, nor quarrelling during the Hajj. And whatever good you do, God knows it. And take provisions, but the best provision is righteousness. And be mindful of Me, O people of understanding”.

In some countries the rain falls at a certain time of the year. These times and months are known to all residents of this region. Other countries have many tornadoes in months known to residents. Hence, they take precautionary measures. Is the Hajj associated with a natural phenomenon known to all people?

Quran verse 22:27 : “And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass”.

It appears from the verse that Hajj is associated with travel. And it must be some time after people have finished sowing and reaping and all life’s affairs must be done before the trip. This time is often referred to as hibernation, as nature goes into a state of sleep until spring. The Arabic terms “Hajj el Bayt” and “byat shetwy = winter sleep” are striking. The Hajj has reasons Quran verse 22:28 : “That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor.” At the end of each year, a person makes a review of what was done in that year and the consequences of his work in the next year. When this meeting takes place at the level of countries, the review is at this level, such as political, economic and social relations and international cooperation in general, and also scientific and technical exchange takes place and the benefit occurs for everybody. This is the main reason for Hajj. And like any international meeting, those in charge of running it are under severe pressure of preparation and responsibility. Therefore, the pilgrims had to attend the requirements of life. Quran verse 2:196 : ” And complete the Hajj and ‘umrah for Allah. But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals. And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. And whoever among you is ill or has an ailment of the head [making shaving necessary must offer] a ransom of fasting [three days] or charity or sacrifice. And when you are secure, then whoever performs ‘umrah [during the Hajj months] followed by Hajj [offers] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals. And whoever cannot find [or afford such an animal] – then a fast of three days during Hajj and of seven when you have returned [home]. Those are ten complete [days]. This is for those whose family is not in the area of al-Masjid al-Haram. And fear Allah and know that Allah is severe in penalty.” And in order for some to not have the impression that they came for food without sharing its cost, they had to fast.

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