LuniSolar Calendar

In (Quran verse 7: 38) Allah will say. enter the Fire among the communities “ummah” who have passed away before you, of genii and mankind. So oft as a community will enter it, it shall curse its sister, until, when all shall have arrived one after anot her therein, the last of them shall say of the first of them: our Lord! these led us astray; so mete out unto them and double torment of the Fire, He will say: to each, double; but ye know not.

It is clear from the verse above that “ummah” means a group of people who have shared time and thoughts, and that the consequences of lack of knowledge are disastrous. It is also clear that the majority and the masses are not an argument for the correctness of an idea. Otherwise God would have sent a group of prophets at the same time. Understanding and adhering to one’s religion is an individual responsibility and every person is responsible for his or her life.

In (Quran verse 18: 103,104) Say thou: shall I declare unto you the greatest losers in respect of works? (103) They are those whose effort is wasted in the life of the world, and they deem that they are doing well in performance. (104)

The above verse illustrates the possibility that a person can be wrong despite following the majority, which in turn assures his certainty of the correctness. So everyone has to be sure of their religion.

All ideas could be discussed. This is what God allowed when He said the Almighty in (Quran verses 2: 23) “And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then teach a surah of the same kind and call on your witnesses besides Allah, if you are truthful!” In (Quran verses 21: 108) “We have sent you a book in which he mentioned you: Would you not argue?” So it is necessary to treat the book of God with the mind

Nature does not know Solar calendar or Lunar calendar but only LuniSolar calendar.

Usually you need a few words like “S.O.S” or “Mayday” to indicate an emergency or something important. And that has to be considered with the highest priority.

In (Quran verse 55:5): “The sun and the moon by calculation”. In the language of Quran “arabic” are only three WORDS. “SUN”, “MOON”, “CALCULATION”. The only meaning of this words is a “calendar” taking both Sun and Moon in consideration. Which is the “Luni Solar Calendar”.

This means that if we do not react correctly with these words, the results are uncomfortable for us and our environment.

The theory

In (Qur’an Verse 56:75-76): I swear by the locations of the stars. (75) It is an oath, if you only knew, that is tremendous. (76)

We know that the Earth revolves around the sun. This course takes approximately 365 days to become a full course

If we assume that we are expert in astronomy and we can locate the stars. So we divide the universe circle by 12 locations every 30 degrees. Like the drawing above. And given that the distance between the sun and the Earth compared to the distances between the stars is too small to be neglected. Thus the earth can be considered the center of the universe. The next graphic is a another aspect.


The drawing shows that the sun has a location in the sky relative to the Earth that could be known, as well as the moon, and these locations change every two hours. If we realize that the Earth revolves around its axis every 24 hours, then we have a direction of the head that changes every two hours, the direction of the moon changes every two days and a part of a day, and the direction of the sun that changes every 30 days and part of a day. It is also important to know that the unit of the day is the Earth’s rotation around its axis, the unit of the month is the moon’s rotation around the earth, and the unit of the year is the Earth’s rotation around the sun. By dividing the sky into 12 sites according to (Qur’an Verse 9:36): “Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are protected. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him]. (36)” .

The use of the correct calendar will therefore meet with fierce opposition from the polytheists, and we must not give in to polytheism.

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